Thursday, September 22, 2011

This Mother's Prayer

There are a few blogs that I check on a daily basis and when checking this one I stumbled upon a heartbreaking story accompanied by a prayer written by a mother who loves her child as all parents should.  It is a prayer that I will pray daily.  Today my heart was hurting for this family whom I do not even know. 

Almost 5 weeks ago my heart was breaking for my best friend who lost her 23 year-old brother, Andrew, in a car accident.  Heidi, Joel and Avery lost their brother and Rob and Andrea lost their son.   Their entire family has an amazing faith in Jesus Christ.  I don't think that their faith makes their hurt go away, it just helps them to face the next day, the next hour and even the next minute knowing that there will be a day when they will see him again.   

In our minds these children were taken from this world far too early but last night in my dream, I saw Andrew while hiking and he said to me, "He called my name.  It was my turn to go." 

No matter what our situation, may we all feel the peace and comfort that can be found in the warm embrace of Jesus.  And pray this comfort on others. 

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