Thursday, October 7, 2010


Our son Ryan is growing up so fast.  He is a full 2 and three quarters years old.  He was born on January 11, 2008 and our life changed on that day forever.  I cannot possibly cover the last almost three years since he was born in one blog post but in a nutshell...

Ryan slept through the night on March 17, 2008 (my birthday!), slept on his tummy around 5 months of age, sitting up at 6 months, crawling at 7 months, and walking at 10.  That winter he took some swim lessons, played in the snow for the first time and helped daddy chop down a Christmas tree on a freezing cold day. We had a wonderful first birthday party with our family and few friends with Ryan not wanting to make a mess at all. 

Over the next year we watched Ryan grow and change, speaking more words each day (first was "mama").  We took him to Chicago when he was 18 months to visit some family and he did wonderfully the entire trip.  Ryan's favorite part was the zoo in Chicago...he loves animals.  He also learned how to jump into Grandma Jane's pool.  Through the fall Ryan watched mommy's tummy grow bigger and bigger as there was a new baby to be born in January 2010.  Ryan's second Christmas was filled with many visits to family in New Jersey and in PA and he spent his New Year sleeping at the Rudge's while the adults "partied" in the basement. 



Ryan welcomed his little sister Taylor K on January 17, 2010.  He has never had anything but love for his sister.  Ryan continued to go to school while I was on maternity leave (he thrives on routine) and adjusted well to having a new little person in the house.  Since Taylor was born we have taken many adventures...Lake Tobias, Hershey Zoo, three trips to NJ, a trip to the beach and to see Elmo Live! in Philly. 

Ryan likes....Golden Grahams, cucumbers with dip, watching the Phillies, playing with his friends, singing songs, reading books, looking for diggers and trucks while we are driving.  He asks me about my day, every day when we ride home in the car and then he asks about Taylor's day.  He gets upset if he forgets to tell someone 'thank you' for something that they did (the other day someone held the door open for us and he was upset because he forgot to say thank you). He loves to snuggle and dance and listen to Celine Dion in the car on the way to school (it helps Taylor calm down when she's crying). 

Ryan does not like...fireworks, the jungle song and peanut butter and jelly. are caught up on our firstborn....he says and does new and funny things every day and I am going to try to get better at writing things down. 

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