Saturday, September 17, 2011

4 and 7

Please do not be impressed with the frequency of which I blog.  Okay, so it's been 2 months but I've recently recieved some encouragement from a friend about how to make blogging a little more meaningful. 

Anyhow, the point of this entry is to tell a funny story. 

The other day while visiting at my mom's, Ryan was reading about the Phillies with his Uncle Jon.  They had the following conversation:

UJ:  Ryan, which number comes first 4 or 7? 
R:  One. 
UJ:  No, Ryan which number comes first 4 or 7? 
R:  Um, one.

It took a few seconds for all of the adults to catch up to how this little 3 year old's mind works and we all realized that he was, in fact, correct.  Good boy. 

1 comment:

  1. HA!! What a sweetheart! And clearly a smart little man, too!! Great story.. Thanks so much for reading ILYMTC and for your recent comment! I really appreciated it :) Just wanted to let you know!
